Local Lodges
The Colorado FOP has over 8,700 members across the State in 59 local lodges. In addition Rocky Mtn Lodge 100 is statewide and provides membership to officers who have no local lodge in their area. For local Lodge contact information please call our State FOP Office at 303-426-1733 or use the "Contact Us" link.
A few of our local lodges have their own websites and /or Facebook pages.
The following is a list of the Colorado FOP lodges with websites:
Lodge #3 Northern Colorado FOP
Lodge #6 Longmont Police Department
Lodge #7 Pueblo County Sheriffs Office
Lodge #8 Durango and all of Southwest Colorado
Lodge #14 Fountain Police Department
Lodge #16 Thorton Police Department
Lodge #19 Commerce City Police
Lodge #27 Denver Sheriffs Office
Lodge #25 Westminster Police Department
Lodge #28 State Employees Lodge
Lodge #31 Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Lodge #34 Canon City-Fremont County Area Lodge
Lodge #41 Denver Police Department
Lodge #48 Brighton Police Department
Lodge #49 Aurora Police Department
Lodge #55 Colorado State Patrol
Lodge #67 Windsor FOP
A few of our local lodges have their own websites and /or Facebook pages.
The following is a list of the Colorado FOP lodges with websites:
Lodge #3 Northern Colorado FOP
Lodge #6 Longmont Police Department
Lodge #7 Pueblo County Sheriffs Office
Lodge #8 Durango and all of Southwest Colorado
Lodge #14 Fountain Police Department
Lodge #16 Thorton Police Department
Lodge #19 Commerce City Police
Lodge #27 Denver Sheriffs Office
Lodge #25 Westminster Police Department
Lodge #28 State Employees Lodge
Lodge #31 Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Lodge #34 Canon City-Fremont County Area Lodge
Lodge #41 Denver Police Department
Lodge #48 Brighton Police Department
Lodge #49 Aurora Police Department
Lodge #55 Colorado State Patrol
Lodge #67 Windsor FOP