SB 217 Duty Related Civil Liability Coverage for FOP LDF Members
Brothers and Sisters,
On Saturday, August 29th, at the State FOP's Quarterly Trustees' Meeting, under the meeting agenda's Legal Defense Corporation, a vote was taken to add additional protection to the Colorado FOP's Legal Defense plan covering the 5% up to $25,000 personal liability exposure now mandated by Colorado Senate Bill 217 regarding duty related civil actions involving qualified immunity. The coverage for FOP members will be in full with no deductible for the member.
This additional coverage adds to our already outstanding no cap legal defense coverage for duty related administrative, civil, and criminal legal defense. The coverage applies if an officer is successfully sued for job related actions mandated under the provisions of Senate Bill 20-217 on qualified immunity. In that case the LDF will cover in full the 5% up to $25,000 liability exposure with no deductible.
The new coverage is self insured by the Colorado FOP LDF plan. The new coverage means an increase of $7.00 per member per month in LDF dues ($84 per annum) which is an increase from $23.00 to $30.00 per month. This increase and additional liability coverage was adopted unanimously by the State Trustees.
There is no legal plan available to Colorado's law enforcement officers as extensive or all encompassing as what is being offered by membership in the Colorado FOP. Each local Lodge across Colorado has been sent details of this additional no deductible liability coverage. Please contact your Lodge President for a copy and details.
This financial coverage will be automatic for all current FOP members of the State FOP LDF Plan. This will also include all Colorado law enforcement officers who now join the FOP and who are covered by the Colorado FOP Legal Defense Plan at time of membership. Click this link: to review the Colorado FOP Legal Defense Plan.
If you are a Colorado law enforcement officer and not a member of the FOP, now is the time you should give strong consideration to joining with over 8,000 of your fellow Colorado peace officers who are members of the FOP. In light of the current state of affairs regarding law enforcement in our nation you need all the protection you can get and you won't find any better.
The National FOP is working on a similar coverage, but it will not be available until mid-January at the very earliest. It was the opinion of the Trustees, based on the multitude of calls from members around the state asking for coverage, that we get our members here in Colorado covered on this new liability exposure as soon as possible. In the future we will examine whatever plan the National FOP develops and give consideration on moving to their plan if it meets the needs of Colorado members.
What is needed from the local lodges is to prepare for the adjustment in LDF dues beginning in October and forward. For further information and details contact your local FOP lodge leadership.